Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. My flat tenancy comes to an end in February and I am moving with my mum to a house in a few weeks time. This week we started our search and from then on I have been constantly stressed out. We found a lovely bungalow and I went to view it, loved it instantly and my mum put down a holding fee only for us to be told the following day that the landlady had put the house on with several agencies and let all of them have people put down holding fees so that she could choose between us all as tenants and have us fight it out to get the property. We were told in the afternoon that she had chosen a man who was able to pay four months rent in advance and had our holding fee refunded (though it has yet to clear). I was so angry and stressed that night.
That night we got back on the search and arranged a couple of viewings for the next day. We fell in love with the first place as it was right by the sea (as in we could see the beach from the end of the road!), however, I was a little worried by how far away from everyone it was and how long a commute my mum would have to work each morning. In the end the house was let to someone else by another agent so the search continued.
We went to view a third house that yesterday evening and I loved it straight away. It is so nice and fresh and new and in a great location. It has nice sized rooms and an enormous kitchen which would make my cooking resolution a lot easier. We put down the holding fee and hopefully, fingers crossed, we will get the house and be moving at the end of the month- stress central! My boyfriend has been amazing over the last few days, helping us look for houses online, coming with us to view properties, and just generally being lovely when I have got totally stressed out over it all.
Other than the house hunting, I have been starting to pack up and sort out my flat ready for the big move as well as spending time with my boyfriend who has been off work for the last few days. A few days ago I went with him to have his tattoo retouched and I ended up booking my tattoo I have been debating about for the past couple of months. I am having it done on Friday (the thirteenth, arghh!) and can't wait, although I am also very nervous about the pain! I am having the word believe, with a feather underneath. It has a very personal meaning behind it and will be totally worth the pain.
I hope to blog a bit more frequently before the move happens (as that could well result in having a lack of internet connection for awhile).
Don't forget to enter my 1st Birthday giveaway which closes Wednesday morning at 10am!
Can't wait to see your tattoo hun :) xxx