
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Cameron LOVES Fireman Sam!
Cameron absolutely loves Fireman Sam. As soon as he hears the theme tune he will stop what it is he is doing and watch it intently. I hate the new series though! It is so badly made, the accents are messed up and the storylines are nowhere near as funny. It has been a nightmare trying to find the old series on DVD though. I found the entire series but for around £30 and that was a silly amount in my eyes (though not as silly as the £200 odd someone was charging on eBay). Instead I bought 12 episodes on DVD for £3 which was much better! They came two days ago and Cameron has not stopped watching them since. I think I know all the episodes off by heart now and could probably recite them all... But as long as he is happy, who cares?

My Shopping (Bad) Habits...
Two days ago somebody wrote on Facebook that New Look had a sale on. I brought up the site and spent what must have been at least half an hour browsing the site looking at all the lovely things on sale, adding some to my basket and hovering over the proceed to checkout button. I even went away from it, doing some more of my dissertation, and went back to it... Looked through the items I had picked and slowly deleted them.... and then closed the window completely. I didn't purchase anything.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't actually have much money in my bank account and buying things for the sake of it would have been silly. But, one of the items in my online virtual basket was a hooded jacket, something I actually really do need. I don't own a coat and am going to the Lake District at the end of July with family, not exactly known for its good weather...
I also had a gorgeous pair of white wedges in the basket which I had tried on before but didn't get because they were around £30. In the sale they were down to £9 and only left in my size. It was fate, wasn't it? So why did I end up leaving them both, and the other summery buys, in that virtual basket? Because, I am queen of talking myself out of purchases. Internet shopping isn't too bad.... a lot of people just browse and never buy. But I will go into actual shops, pick something I really like up and put it back again once I have walked around the shop a few times.
And it doesn't stop at clothes.. I will go into a food shop like Tescos, pick up some yummy treat and then five minutes later, return it to the shelf, shoppers remorse already setting in before I have even got out my purse. It will happen with everything and anything I go to buy. Even things I actually need like deodrant or a new toothbrush I can stand around considering whether I can afford it for ages. I am a nightmare to shop with. My mum refuses to go with me anymore as even food shopping tends to take over an hour due to my huge levels of indecisiveness!
Maybe one day, when I'm rich and famous, I will be able to justify spending money on myself and this silly timewasting will finally stop.. For now, I will continue to drool over clothes, shoes and makeup online, placing them all in that infamous basket, where they will stay forever more....
Does anyone else do this? Or am I totally crazy? Let me know your shopping habits...
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't actually have much money in my bank account and buying things for the sake of it would have been silly. But, one of the items in my online virtual basket was a hooded jacket, something I actually really do need. I don't own a coat and am going to the Lake District at the end of July with family, not exactly known for its good weather...
I also had a gorgeous pair of white wedges in the basket which I had tried on before but didn't get because they were around £30. In the sale they were down to £9 and only left in my size. It was fate, wasn't it? So why did I end up leaving them both, and the other summery buys, in that virtual basket? Because, I am queen of talking myself out of purchases. Internet shopping isn't too bad.... a lot of people just browse and never buy. But I will go into actual shops, pick something I really like up and put it back again once I have walked around the shop a few times.
And it doesn't stop at clothes.. I will go into a food shop like Tescos, pick up some yummy treat and then five minutes later, return it to the shelf, shoppers remorse already setting in before I have even got out my purse. It will happen with everything and anything I go to buy. Even things I actually need like deodrant or a new toothbrush I can stand around considering whether I can afford it for ages. I am a nightmare to shop with. My mum refuses to go with me anymore as even food shopping tends to take over an hour due to my huge levels of indecisiveness!
Maybe one day, when I'm rich and famous, I will be able to justify spending money on myself and this silly timewasting will finally stop.. For now, I will continue to drool over clothes, shoes and makeup online, placing them all in that infamous basket, where they will stay forever more....
Does anyone else do this? Or am I totally crazy? Let me know your shopping habits...

Guest Blogger Amy Takes us Back to Her Labour Day.... Warning- not for the faint of heart!
Well well well.. Labour... It hurts... Like really hurts... There's a LOT of blood... It's the most un dignified thing you'll do in your life. It'll make you shout, scream, swear, cry, pant, i even re call telling everyone i just wanted to die. Would I do it all again? Yes! 29th august 2010- The day i met my princess, my best friend, my world.
27th august:
So my due date came and went. But of course it was my baby and realistically was never going to be on time. By this point though i had been 2cm dilated for a couple of weeks (for those who don't know, you need to be 10cm to give birth), was pretty fed up of being fat and just wanted to get it over with.
28th august:
That morning I stood in the kitchen making breakfast and told Karl the baby was on Its way. Mothers intuition I think they call it. With it being the height of summer and roasting hot, we spent most of our time down at the beach, walking miles and miles. Karl works offshore but luckily we'd saved up enough money for him to take a few months off work. The last thing I wanted, was to be in labour and Karl stuck in the middle of the ocean in Norway. So this morning we thought we'd have nothing better than to go for a long walk down the beach, not easy when your heavily pregnant and weigh the size of a small elephant.
As we were walking along I started getting small period like cramps across my stomach and in my back, nothing too serious, but I did get a little exited! I soon forgot about the pains and it wasn't until later that day when they started getting worse, I thought I'd better mention to Karl. Like me, he didn't want to believe it was labour in case it was a false alarm. Not getting our hopes up too much, we went home and had a good bounce. . .on my birthing ball.
I'd soo so soo highly advise ANYONE to buy one of these. (You can use them during labour in the hospital too, check with your local labour ward first, as most do provide them during labour). Pardon the pun, but a good bounce always relaxed me and made me feel much more comfortable. Nothing major more happened, I wasn't howling like they do on eastenders, bent over in agonising pain, my waters didn't pop in asda like I kept dreaming they would, I just still had "period" cramp. I checked my hospital bag a million times, read my maternity notes, drank raspberry leaf tea. I didn't have a sudden urge to clean the kitchen or wash the bed sheets, scrub the floor or bleach the loo, I'm still to find any mother that "nested" before giving birth. To be honest, I couldn't be bothered, my belly got in the way.
Later that night my pains were more OUCH than just ow. But, my dinner came first and off we went to pick up a takeaway. . .Which I would later meet again. . .Having polished off my Indian, my pains getting a little worse and more frequent, I rang the labour ward. "Take 2 paracetamol and have a bath, relax and go to bed"... Yeah cos thats exactly what I wanted to do?? I wanted to watch X Factor... But I did. . .I lay in the bath for ages while Karl sat on the loo timing my "pains" (still in denial it was contractions as it still wasn't too bad. .) By 11pm that night, I pretty much told Karl too just take me to hospital as it was really getting quite painful. The next time we would be in that car, we wouldn't just be a be a couple. We'd be a family :)
On entering the labour ward, all seemed calm and there was no rushing around like excepted, I explained my symptoms to the midwive, told her how far along I was and I got taken into a room. The room itself was lovely, a water bed, en suite bathroom with a shower, mood lighting, chairs and of course the cot filled with blankets ready for the baba! The pain wasn't so bad now, the excitement took it away a little I think. I was examined by a lovely midwife who told me how well I was coping considering i was 4cm dilated!
This is where the fun and games started and the gas and air came out. Ahh sweet bliss. For some reason everything became funny, everything everyone said was just hilarious! I even remember sitting on the bed in the room by myself, laughing so hard I nearly fell off the bed. No idea why they call it laughing gas? But then up it came, I was about to meet my dinner again, and unfortunate for Karl, who scooped it out of the sink, I'd had a king prawn curry for dinner... Yum Yum!
I needed something stronger by now, and seeing as i didn't want a epidural, a shot of pethidine was perfect, in fact it was lovely! I loved the pethidine and had quite a few shots of it. You don't need a canular either, its just a small jab injection into your leg. It makes you totally relaxed, all lovely and sleepy. It also travels into your babies blood stream and once born, makes them sleepy too.
4cm - 8cm went without much drama, apart from me throwing up literally every 5 minutes and using every sick bowel in the room. By this time my mum was there too. I had two birthing partners, my mum and Karl. I entirely expected Karl being a man to freak out, but he surprised me and was fab. My mum, made me shout a lot, but without either of them, I wouldn't have been able to do it.
Ok. Now to explain the pain of contractions... It's a pain in its own. It's not a stabbing pain, an aching pain or a burning pain. But if I were to link it to something else, it's a bit like when you've got the runs, and you get that deep pain in your stomach. The kind that makes your toes curl, your skin tingle and honestly, I really did think I was dying. BUT I am a huuge drama queen, so maybe take a pinch of salt with that last part.
I was determined not to have a epidural, as a) I'm terrified of needles and b) I wanted to be macho and thought STUPIDLY I'd do better without one, that I'd be a better person. Baaad idea. At this point Lola turned back to back, and if I had of given birth naturally, my midwife told me it would be near impossible because of the pain if I didn't have a epidural. Soo after quite a few tears, shouting and screaming. I gave in. AND IT WASN'T THAT BAD! I leant over the bed "arched my back like a cat" and didn't even feel the needle, just the pure bliss of the pain melt away.
Having an Epidural was not as bad as I thought it would be... |
By this point it was midday Sunday and i had been awake 20 hours. . .pretty tired yeah. So I took advantage of being whacked on drugs to have a little nap :) not for long though. . .All the drama was about to start again. I had been given too much epidural and it was rising into my chest. I was told if I had anymore it would go into my lungs and I'd be in major trouble. If your reading this and are pregnant or planning to be, do NOT let my bad experience put you off. If I have another baby, I would still most defo have one. It got sorted, I got propped up with pillows and it drained away. Two hours later, I was 10cm and ready to push...
Omg. Pushing. Actually no not Omg. OH MY GOD. Some people don't even need to push. Me? 4 hours. Yup. And i was exhausted. The nurses kept trying to get me into a robe. But nah, I wanted to look half decent and wore a summer dress from new look :) Lola kept rocking back and forward and I just couldn't go the extra bit! Apart from a lot of screaming, a lot of swearing, my legs in stirrups, Oh yes I did tell you there was nothing glamorous about child birth! There's nothing to tell, it doesn't hurt, its just tiring. At my ante natal classes, I got told giving birth, like the actual birth part would feel like a ring of fire. Have an epidural. . .and bang! I barely felt a thing! Except for the biggest feeling of relief. Ever.
The first time I met my beautiful baby girl. Lola-Grace Elizabeth Bruce. I'm a right softy, and as I write this I am welling up already. Amazing doesn't cover it.17.40pm. August 2010. 7lb. She was beautiful. And she was mine. I made her. And I had carried her for 9 months. I loved her from the moment I held her. All the pain, sickness, crying, shouting, discomfort all melted away as soon as she opened her eyes. No one else was in the room apart from me and her - or so it felt.
Her first night in the hospital |
And her first day back at home :) |
My love hasn't changed for her since this day. It's only grown. Every morning when I go into her room and lift her out of the cot and she smiles at me, is priceless. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I just need to look at her And she makes it all better. Through all my hospital visits and minor operations I've had she's been my rock. I know I'm only 21 and "should be out partying" I'd rather be with my baby girl any day of the week. Call me boring, but she's worth it. Babies change your life. Lola's changed mine and I wouldn't have it any other way.
For all of you waiting to give birth or fall pregnant, enjoy it. It's amazing. The first time you hold something you made, that you've had inside you, well I'll let you make your mind up on that one. Have fun. . . Your gonna love it!
The Hardest Part of Motherhood....
.... in my opinion.... is the lack of sleep and the early mornings!
Cameron slept through the night from around 3 months, until around 4 months....
That was it. One glorious month of nights where I wasn't woken up every few hours. I know not all babies are like this, and not all mums are as unlucky, but I have been. Yes, it could be partly my fault. I make no secret of the fact that Cameron sleeps with me, and not in his cot. Most of the time I stay over my mum's at the moment so I can get my dissertation finished anyway, so it seemed silly to enforce the cot on him when we aren't with it a lot of nights.
On top of this, he doesn't have a set routine (no routine, I hear you gasp?!) I know, worst motherhood crime ever, right? Wrong. Cameron sleeps when he needs to. Of course if he is still up and crawling around at ten pm I will try and get him to sleep, but it makes a lot more sense to let him play quietly rather than wrestling him to sleep when he clearly isn't ready. When he is a little older and can understand the concept of sleep and bedtime properly, things will change, but for now, we are doing what works for us.
This does, however, pose a problem for me. Along with not sleeping through, and often having a late bedtime, Cameron seems capable of going without barely any sleep at night and will be up and ready to go at around 6 or 7am each morning. This would be ok... if it weren't for the fact that I go to sleep, on average, at around 2am. Meaning that for the last 6 months I have been living on 5 hours sleep a night.
Even if I hadn't of been doing my dissertation/uni assignments/revision up until this time at night, I would still find it hard to settle down and sleep before midnight. The truth is, I am a night owl... and being a night owl with a baby does not mix, trust me.
So, my advice to people wanting to have babies, or those about to become mothers themselves, isn't to watch out for smelly nappies or pain when you breastfeed, or even about huge cost of having a baby; it is to really savour being able to get a good nights sleep. Because once you have a baby, you won't remember what that means!!
I'm a night owl.... |
That was it. One glorious month of nights where I wasn't woken up every few hours. I know not all babies are like this, and not all mums are as unlucky, but I have been. Yes, it could be partly my fault. I make no secret of the fact that Cameron sleeps with me, and not in his cot. Most of the time I stay over my mum's at the moment so I can get my dissertation finished anyway, so it seemed silly to enforce the cot on him when we aren't with it a lot of nights.
On top of this, he doesn't have a set routine (no routine, I hear you gasp?!) I know, worst motherhood crime ever, right? Wrong. Cameron sleeps when he needs to. Of course if he is still up and crawling around at ten pm I will try and get him to sleep, but it makes a lot more sense to let him play quietly rather than wrestling him to sleep when he clearly isn't ready. When he is a little older and can understand the concept of sleep and bedtime properly, things will change, but for now, we are doing what works for us.
This does, however, pose a problem for me. Along with not sleeping through, and often having a late bedtime, Cameron seems capable of going without barely any sleep at night and will be up and ready to go at around 6 or 7am each morning. This would be ok... if it weren't for the fact that I go to sleep, on average, at around 2am. Meaning that for the last 6 months I have been living on 5 hours sleep a night.
Even if I hadn't of been doing my dissertation/uni assignments/revision up until this time at night, I would still find it hard to settle down and sleep before midnight. The truth is, I am a night owl... and being a night owl with a baby does not mix, trust me.
Simpler times.... back when I could sleep when I wanted (I was a few weeks pregnant but didn't know!) |
Winner of The Charm Bracelet Giveaway!
I am STILL over my mum's so was unable to do my usual online name generator to pick a winner, so instead I had to resort to good old fashioned 'names in a hat', or a bag in this case...
So, the winner of the charm bracelet of their choice is:
Mel Matthews!! (who picked the stunning CFLLB- JUN purple bracelet).
Well done Mel, I will be in contact with how to claim your prize!
Thanks to everyone who entered!
So, the winner of the charm bracelet of their choice is:
Mel Matthews!! (who picked the stunning CFLLB- JUN purple bracelet).
Well done Mel, I will be in contact with how to claim your prize!
Thanks to everyone who entered!

Guest Blogger Charlotte Opens up About her Depression and Tips to Overcome Feeling Down
Everyone deals with stress and depression sometime in their life, and mine is no exception, I am just a young girl living life and dealing with thing’s as it comes along.
One major event in my life has been my depression after breaking up with my ex boyfriend. Yes a boy, I know we all say don’t get upset over then, but when you have lived with them for just under a year and moving in after dating just 3 months. They become your soul mate, you best friend, and that is really hard to move on from.
I couldn’t handle being alone for a long time and I turned to self harm, One route I wish I never went down, and it can do just as much harm to you as drugs and booze would do. I would not wish upon anyone to ever self harm or even attempt it.
A year on since breaking up with my ex boyfriend and I have finally found ways to overcome self harm and distract myself, and it really works, As soon as my mind is taking away from it, I am stable.
One way I cheer myself up is buying myself some lovely little flowers to decorate my living room, flowers give off a lovely vibe and especially if they are your favourite colour it makes them extra special. I don’t need some boy to buy me flowers, I can choose my own.
Another way I distract myself is blogging, which is probably a way you could distract yourself too, Being able to express myself anyway I like because it is my blog, is amazing. One of my favourite ways to distract my mind is also writing a novel, which I am currently doing. It’s more like a diary really, think sex and the city, I don’t want to give too much away, but when I feel down, I write it as the girl in the story and what she does to overcome this obstacle in her life. It’s a very relaxing soothing feeling and when you re-read what you have written, it makes you very proud. I have also started jewellery making, which can be very time consuming it is also a useful way to distract your mind. By the time I have looked at my flowers, wrote a blog or part of my novel, I forget about what I was thinking before and I move on and smile.
Self harm can be done in many ways and it is often a cry for attention in a subtle way, I admit I have done it once or twice to get someone to notice me and my feelings. People who do self harm do not often speak open about it, but one way of dealing with this, is to talk about it and sometimes a good stranger is the best person.
If you are reading this my advice would be to talk to a friend, a stranger, parent myself or even Emma from this blog. You don’t have to do it alone and we would be honoured to help you overcome this. I also have my hamster harvey which gives me some small little cuddles.
My other useful advice is to check out this website, www.thesite.org I read it at least once a week and there are so many useful tips and advice for any problem you have. Bookmark the site!!
If you would like to contact me my blog is: http://theonlyexception-charlotte.blogspot.com/
One major event in my life has been my depression after breaking up with my ex boyfriend. Yes a boy, I know we all say don’t get upset over then, but when you have lived with them for just under a year and moving in after dating just 3 months. They become your soul mate, you best friend, and that is really hard to move on from.
I couldn’t handle being alone for a long time and I turned to self harm, One route I wish I never went down, and it can do just as much harm to you as drugs and booze would do. I would not wish upon anyone to ever self harm or even attempt it.
A year on since breaking up with my ex boyfriend and I have finally found ways to overcome self harm and distract myself, and it really works, As soon as my mind is taking away from it, I am stable.
One way I cheer myself up is buying myself some lovely little flowers to decorate my living room, flowers give off a lovely vibe and especially if they are your favourite colour it makes them extra special. I don’t need some boy to buy me flowers, I can choose my own.
Another way I distract myself is blogging, which is probably a way you could distract yourself too, Being able to express myself anyway I like because it is my blog, is amazing. One of my favourite ways to distract my mind is also writing a novel, which I am currently doing. It’s more like a diary really, think sex and the city, I don’t want to give too much away, but when I feel down, I write it as the girl in the story and what she does to overcome this obstacle in her life. It’s a very relaxing soothing feeling and when you re-read what you have written, it makes you very proud. I have also started jewellery making, which can be very time consuming it is also a useful way to distract your mind. By the time I have looked at my flowers, wrote a blog or part of my novel, I forget about what I was thinking before and I move on and smile.
Self harm can be done in many ways and it is often a cry for attention in a subtle way, I admit I have done it once or twice to get someone to notice me and my feelings. People who do self harm do not often speak open about it, but one way of dealing with this, is to talk about it and sometimes a good stranger is the best person.
If you are reading this my advice would be to talk to a friend, a stranger, parent myself or even Emma from this blog. You don’t have to do it alone and we would be honoured to help you overcome this. I also have my hamster harvey which gives me some small little cuddles.
My other useful advice is to check out this website, www.thesite.org I read it at least once a week and there are so many useful tips and advice for any problem you have. Bookmark the site!!
If you would like to contact me my blog is: http://theonlyexception-charlotte.blogspot.com/
12 Day Holiday Photo Challenge: Day 5 - A Random Picture You Took
I am the queen of taking random photos when on holiday. Below are a selection of random photos taken on my most recent holiday to Disneyland, Paris in 2010:
Watching Friends in French back at the hotel room.... |
A photo taken whilst on a ride: phantom manor |
and another one: It's a small world! |
Me with a giant pizza for lunch... to be fair, I was pregnant... |
breakfast the next day...*ahem* pregnant.... |
My mum in Disney Studio themepark with something from Monsters Inc... lol |

Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Winners of My Giveaway!
My giveaway to win one of two prizes has now closed and the winners picked using the slot machine random name generator online which I have used before. I am still over my mum's and have not got my camera charger so am unable to film the names being drawn unfortunately.
Winner of prize number 1 is:
And of prize number 2:
Well done girls and thank you to all who entered! Remember, the competition to win a charm bracelet from Charm Factory is still open until 2pm tomorrow so there is still time to enter here.
Winners, I will be in contact.
Winner of prize number 1 is:
And of prize number 2:
Well done girls and thank you to all who entered! Remember, the competition to win a charm bracelet from Charm Factory is still open until 2pm tomorrow so there is still time to enter here.
Winners, I will be in contact.

12 Day Holiday Photo Challenge: Day 4 - A Photo Of You On A Balcony
These photos are of me and my mum on our balcony when we were in Malaga in 2009! I thought finding a photo of me on a balcony might prove difficult but it seems we had a bit of a photoshoot out there.... (told you I was a poser!)
Guest Blogger Nicole Talks about Why Having Children Changes Everything...
2 words: Kyle Timmins.. My life. He is only 5 and half months old and already I dont know what my life was like without him...
Kyle was born on the 5th of Jan 2011 at 10.50am in Portlaoise Hospital, about 20 minutes away from my home in County Kildare, Ireland. He came bang on time aswell, which was great because I couldnt wait to meet him.
First night I brought him home was amazing couldnt sleep a wink though from checking him every 5 minutes. My Fiance, Jamie had a flash light and he would shine it on the ceiling so we could look at him haha. At the moment Kyle is teething like mad, red cheeks and sore gums. He got his first tooth a week ago, hopefully they will fly up now.
It is tough, having someone depend on you for everything is a shock to the system. I've gone from a carefree person who could come and go as I pleased to my most important role yet.. A Mammy. I wouldn't change it for the world though. Just one little look from his beautiful blue eyes from behind his long lashes(which he got from his Daddy btw!!!) and a smile where he shows me his dimples and im gone all mushy. I've fallen for him hook line and sinker.
Kyle is amazed by colours and sounds. He'd sit for hours watching our 2 dogs Dexter and Bauer play and fight with each other in the garden. Also and i personally find this brilliant as soon as LMFAO's song Everday I'm shuffling comes on the Telly whether he is screaming crying or laughing, he stops and stares at it.
I cant wait to have more kids and hopefull in the near future i will have a little sister for him but as long as your kids are healthy and happy. I wouldnt mind mind what I have
Nicole Whelan
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Top Tips for Travelling With a Baby Part 2!
A week or so ago you may remember I wrote a post on travelling tips for the car and coach with a baby. I asked around for mums who had travelled on planes and trains and Kirsty, mum to baby Emily has given her top tips!
Top 3 Tips for Travelling with a Baby on a Plane:
1. Check the Luggage Allowance and Pack Carefully!
The airline tickets clearly inform you there is no luggage allowance for infants, not even hand luggage, however you are entitled to take a nappy bag with 2 - 3 nappys, some wipes and a bottle. I took 6 pre mixed cartons and it was fine BUT your only allowed two, we were lucky! If your bottles are made up or cartons open you have to taste the milk at customs (yak!) so sealed cartons until you get through! If your baby is on solids a few bibs! I only packed 1 for hand luggage :/ and dont take glass jars, ours broke in hand bag so pouches of food are best.
Also a water bottle is a must! Especially if you arrive at a hot destination!
2. Prams ARE Allowed!
You can take ANY pram you like as long as it folds in some way. We took the mamas and papas ultima, its very big but comfy. Some airlines charge if you prefer to take a car seat but remember it will get checked in with your case, baby will have to be carried and still on your knee on plane. Babies under 2 are not entitled to a seat.
3. Toys toys and more toys!
We traveled with Emily at 5 months and Joe is 4, we had one of our hand luggage bags stuffed with toys. The highchair toys that suction on are fab as they stick on the fold down table (theres not much space for getting toys from floor, espesh with baby on your knee!) noisy toys worked best, not for other passengers though. Emilys fave toy was an empty crisp packet! We bought Joe a DS COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY! He happily watched out window and played with Emily and her toys. We also packed a few blankets to take on plane as its often cold up there, Joe and Emily had a nap on the plane which was a bonus, blankets were a god send.
Top 3 Tips for Travelling on a Train with a Baby:
1. Ask for help!
It is very ackward trying to get a pram on the trains as the aisle are tiny and if you have luggae, it dosnt work. There are very few buggy spaces make sure you get on correct part (unlike us) you can take anything on train for baby including car seat, you dont have to book for them or pay.
2. Find a Good Seat!
Try get a table as it makes your life easier and again toyss and plenty of them. Don't overwhelm baby though and pull toys out one by one as baby gets bored ALWAYS BE TWO STEPS AHEAD thats a must.
3. Change Before if Possible!
Change baby before getting on train as the facillities and never nice on public transport!
(That's another for plane if you can get away with changing baby on your knee, do it! The changing stations are a plank of wood, Emily kept slipping around, was awful!)
And a Few Extra Travelling Tips:
1. Dont try to keep kids quiet!
I did as I didnt want to upset other passengers but Joe got bored that way so choose to throw a screaming tantrum, he would have been quieter playing noisy lol
2. Pack Extra!
Always pack a change of clothes, we packed 2 each incase of accidents and delays
3. Plan Ahead!
Think about how you will travel at other end of your journey, we were fortunate to get picked up bu a friend, you will need a car seat abroad as taxis are unliikley to let you travel
Top 3 Tips for Travelling with a Baby on a Plane:
1. Check the Luggage Allowance and Pack Carefully!
The airline tickets clearly inform you there is no luggage allowance for infants, not even hand luggage, however you are entitled to take a nappy bag with 2 - 3 nappys, some wipes and a bottle. I took 6 pre mixed cartons and it was fine BUT your only allowed two, we were lucky! If your bottles are made up or cartons open you have to taste the milk at customs (yak!) so sealed cartons until you get through! If your baby is on solids a few bibs! I only packed 1 for hand luggage :/ and dont take glass jars, ours broke in hand bag so pouches of food are best.
Also a water bottle is a must! Especially if you arrive at a hot destination!
2. Prams ARE Allowed!
You can take ANY pram you like as long as it folds in some way. We took the mamas and papas ultima, its very big but comfy. Some airlines charge if you prefer to take a car seat but remember it will get checked in with your case, baby will have to be carried and still on your knee on plane. Babies under 2 are not entitled to a seat.
3. Toys toys and more toys!
We traveled with Emily at 5 months and Joe is 4, we had one of our hand luggage bags stuffed with toys. The highchair toys that suction on are fab as they stick on the fold down table (theres not much space for getting toys from floor, espesh with baby on your knee!) noisy toys worked best, not for other passengers though. Emilys fave toy was an empty crisp packet! We bought Joe a DS COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY! He happily watched out window and played with Emily and her toys. We also packed a few blankets to take on plane as its often cold up there, Joe and Emily had a nap on the plane which was a bonus, blankets were a god send.
Top 3 Tips for Travelling on a Train with a Baby:
1. Ask for help!
It is very ackward trying to get a pram on the trains as the aisle are tiny and if you have luggae, it dosnt work. There are very few buggy spaces make sure you get on correct part (unlike us) you can take anything on train for baby including car seat, you dont have to book for them or pay.
2. Find a Good Seat!
Try get a table as it makes your life easier and again toyss and plenty of them. Don't overwhelm baby though and pull toys out one by one as baby gets bored ALWAYS BE TWO STEPS AHEAD thats a must.
3. Change Before if Possible!
Change baby before getting on train as the facillities and never nice on public transport!
(That's another for plane if you can get away with changing baby on your knee, do it! The changing stations are a plank of wood, Emily kept slipping around, was awful!)
And a Few Extra Travelling Tips:
1. Dont try to keep kids quiet!
I did as I didnt want to upset other passengers but Joe got bored that way so choose to throw a screaming tantrum, he would have been quieter playing noisy lol
2. Pack Extra!
Always pack a change of clothes, we packed 2 each incase of accidents and delays
3. Plan Ahead!
Think about how you will travel at other end of your journey, we were fortunate to get picked up bu a friend, you will need a car seat abroad as taxis are unliikley to let you travel

FunkyDivaa Competition!
Fashion Favourite FunkyDivaa have a great competition up at the moment. They explain what it is and how to enter below:
"Summer's finally here (we hope!) so send me an email at: melissafunkydivaa@hotmail.co.u
Quote SUMMER1 in the subject line to win a new summer outfit from www.funkydivaa.com. ENTER BY THURSDAY 5PM, the winner will be chosen on FRIDAY!
Choose from our selection of maxi dresses, playsuits, jumpsuits etc and accessorise with a fab piece of jewelry from www.funkydivaa.com."
So, what are you waiting for readers? Go and enter!!
Good Luck!
Strawberry and Raspberry Shower Gel Review!
I have been informed from several readers that they would love to see more product reviews on the Blog. I have quite a few new products that I will be reviewing in the coming days and weeks but thought I would start off with something I have recently bought for myself, something that is an everyday item but surprised me in how nice it was...
Superdrug Own Brand Strawberry and Raspberry Shower Gel £1.32
What it Says on the Label:
'Cleansing and Revitalising with a boost of luscious Strawberry and Raspberry... Give yourself a kick start with a boost of Superdrug Strawberry and Raspberry Shower Gel. Step into the shower and unleash the uplifting fruity aroma to help you feel clean, fresh and energised for the day ahead. A perfect way to awaken your senses'
The product:
-natural strawberry and raspberry extracts
-added skin conditioners
-ph balanced
-soap free
What I Think:
I loved the packaging as I am a sucker for anything cute and girly and this had strawberries and raspberries literally bursting out of the label.. But it isn't all about packaging and what first made my mind up in store was the fruity aroma that hits as soon as you open the lid. Unsursprisingly it smells of strawberries and raspberries and instantly made me want a strawberry daiquiri, yum! When I first used it in the shower I was a little disappointed in the way the product comes out as it kind of pours too fast and you end up wasting some of it. This is the only real flaw though as the shower gel itself smells just as yummy on the skin as in the bottle, and leaves skin feeling
refreshed and silky smooth. I will definitely keep on using this product until it runs out and will then either be buying it again, or trying another of their range.
4/5 Stars!
Superdrug Own Brand Strawberry and Raspberry Shower Gel £1.32
What it Says on the Label:
'Cleansing and Revitalising with a boost of luscious Strawberry and Raspberry... Give yourself a kick start with a boost of Superdrug Strawberry and Raspberry Shower Gel. Step into the shower and unleash the uplifting fruity aroma to help you feel clean, fresh and energised for the day ahead. A perfect way to awaken your senses'
The product:
-natural strawberry and raspberry extracts
-added skin conditioners
-ph balanced
-soap free
What I Think:
I loved the packaging as I am a sucker for anything cute and girly and this had strawberries and raspberries literally bursting out of the label.. But it isn't all about packaging and what first made my mind up in store was the fruity aroma that hits as soon as you open the lid. Unsursprisingly it smells of strawberries and raspberries and instantly made me want a strawberry daiquiri, yum! When I first used it in the shower I was a little disappointed in the way the product comes out as it kind of pours too fast and you end up wasting some of it. This is the only real flaw though as the shower gel itself smells just as yummy on the skin as in the bottle, and leaves skin feeling
Lemon and Tea Tree from the range |
4/5 Stars!

Monday, 27 June 2011
Summer Days....Drifting Away.....
So you may have noticed, most of the country has had a bit of a heatwave the last couple of days! I have not benefitted in the slightest as I have been cooped up indoors with my dissertation on the laptop screen... I have been rewarded however, with having done a large portion of the work and easing my stress levels a good deal in the process..
Cameron has luckily had a bit more fun as my mum has been helping out with him. He hasn't been out in the sun too much though as babies should not be exposed to too much sun. However, he has been wearing a variety of cute summery outfits including this one:
This is when he fell asleep earlier today going for a walk in the pram. He is looking so grown up lately, time really is flying! He will be 10 months in a couple of weeks, scary!
I am not sure if the weather plans on staying this way, but I hope I will at least get to see some sunshine once this dreaded uni work is over!
What have you been getting up to in the heat?
Cameron has luckily had a bit more fun as my mum has been helping out with him. He hasn't been out in the sun too much though as babies should not be exposed to too much sun. However, he has been wearing a variety of cute summery outfits including this one:
This is when he fell asleep earlier today going for a walk in the pram. He is looking so grown up lately, time really is flying! He will be 10 months in a couple of weeks, scary!
I am not sure if the weather plans on staying this way, but I hope I will at least get to see some sunshine once this dreaded uni work is over!
What have you been getting up to in the heat?

Outfit of the Week
Dress H & M Bracelet Watch New Look |
I wore this summer dress yesterday when the temperatures soared and I could not face anything other than a floaty dress. I couldn't even have my hair down, despite it being so short, because it was making me hot and bothered. So instead I wore it up. My mum and brother both complemented me on the outfit which was quite nice.

My New PJs
Ok, so technically I bought these a while ago now, but they had not been worn until this evening. Now, if you are my friend on FB you may have seen my dramatic exit for a few hours this evening. Without going into it in too much detail, I had a huge fall out with one of my brothers and he said some very hurtful things about me as a mother and I got extremely upset. So to try and make myself feel better, I had a shower, washed my hair and put on these new pjs. I love them!
They are flattering with a tan as the pale pink really highlights it, and they are really comfortable. They were only £9.99 from New Look, and as I still have student discount until October, they cost even less! Bargain!
I would definitely suggest New Look for a clothes shop. I buy most of my clothes there, absolutely love it (even if it can never be as good after working there and having 50% staff discount!).
Cameron crawling all over them... |
I would definitely suggest New Look for a clothes shop. I buy most of my clothes there, absolutely love it (even if it can never be as good after working there and having 50% staff discount!).

Charlotte's Amazing Summer Giveaway!
Charlotte over at Confessions of a Small Town Girl has a great giveaway on at the moment with all the gorgeous things shown below to be won! Simply click on the link and follow her simple instructions to enter!
Giveaway ends 31st July at 10pm!
Good Luck!!
Giveaway ends 31st July at 10pm!
Good Luck!!

Girls Night In Blog Competition!
The gorgeous Rachel over at Life of a Sweetaholic runs amazing weekly competitions and giveaways and this week's is no different. She has teamed up with Soap Heaven to offer the ultimate Girls Night In prize. To be in with a chance of winning simply click on the image below and follow her easy and quick instructions.
Competition closes Monday 4th July at 12pm
Good Luck!!
Competition closes Monday 4th July at 12pm
Good Luck!!

Guest Blogger Louise Shares Her Sometimes Complicated Relationships....
My first real head-over-heels can’t breath without them love was Charlie Simpson. Yes, Charlie Simspon from the band Busted. Nevermind the fact that he was 5 years older then me and famous, I ranted to anyone who would listen that he was ‘just a normal guy’ and once I met him, we’d get married. Okay, so after obsessing over him for about a year, I then decided I fancied Matt Willis ‘the bad boy’ more, and then finally James Bourne ‘the sweet one’. Their songs really reached out to me ; previously as a fresh faced teenager, the only thing I knew about love was what I learnt from Disney movies – when you finally get together you have that kiss, you get married and live happily ever after. But Busted taught me more. Relationships have complications, fights and romantic gestures at 3am. I soon wanted this though – although a relationship with complications and fights isn’t what everyone wishes for I figured at least it would be a real relationship.
Six years later, being in that very complicated situation I’d once hoped for – things have changed. Moving in with my on/off boyfriend after being together for only three months wasn’t romantic as it sounded. Now, having broken up, after two years we still live together..until I move back to my hometown next month and never see him again. A relationship with complications indeed has now come to a halt. The arguments, the lack of trust, the lack of communication, the lack of space – it was all very hard. And so for the first time in two years I find myself single again and well, in a kind of love triangle. Even worse.
Six years later, being in that very complicated situation I’d once hoped for – things have changed. Moving in with my on/off boyfriend after being together for only three months wasn’t romantic as it sounded. Now, having broken up, after two years we still live together..until I move back to my hometown next month and never see him again. A relationship with complications indeed has now come to a halt. The arguments, the lack of trust, the lack of communication, the lack of space – it was all very hard. And so for the first time in two years I find myself single again and well, in a kind of love triangle. Even worse.
Me and the ex before going out for my Nan's birthday - I love this photo of us |
As I’ll explain more in my next post, it’s come to me making a decision. In the past I’ve always taken chances on all the wrong people, letting them walk over me or putting up for a hell of a lot less then what I deserved. In the case of my ex, despite planning a future together, we both deserved much better then the effort we we’re putting into the relationship. Four months after the break up, dates with other people between us and singleton slowly settling in we wonder whether to give things another go or not. Yes, we had a lot of issues but we had a lot of great times too. Would we be able to work through these things, if we really tried? Should a relationship really be that hard?
The only thing is, I’ve sort of met someone else. Whilst he’s been going on endless dates on loads of girls (he was never short of the ladies wanting in), I’ve been pining on just the one person. A guy I thought was a player, a guy I thought who I could have a bit of fun with and be done with it before I finished uni and had to grow up. However, I’ve gone and done it again like I always do. I’ve started to like someone I shouldn’t, more then I should.
As I’ll explain more in my next post, it’s come to me making a decision. In the past I’ve always taken chances on all the wrong people, letting them walk over me or putting up for a hell of a lot less then what I deserved. In the case of my ex, despite planning a future together, we both deserved much better then the effort we we’re putting into the relationship. Four months after the break up, dates with other people between us and singleton slowly settling in we wonder whether to give things another go or not. Yes, we had a lot of issues but we had a lot of great times too. Would we be able to work through these things, if we really tried? Should a relationship really be that hard?
The only thing is, I’ve sort of met someone else. Whilst he’s been going on endless dates on loads of girls (he was never short of the ladies wanting in), I’ve been pining on just the one person. A guy I thought was a player, a guy I thought who I could have a bit of fun with and be done with it before I finished uni and had to grow up. However, I’ve gone and done it again like I always do. I’ve started to like someone I shouldn’t, more then I should.
Me and my old flatmates as fresh faced freshers, one of the first times I actually enjoyed being single! |
So, what happens now? Do I take a chance on my ex, who is genuinely a best friend of mine and who I have loved deeply? Do I take a chance on him and the promises that thing’s will be different – could I get over the fact that he has seen other people? Or do I take a chance on someone who could make me happy, if only short term?
Read my next guest post for an account of how my first date went with this boy and how I finally got that 3am phonecall from my ex!
So, what happens now? Do I take a chance on my ex, who is genuinely a best friend of mine and who I have loved deeply? Do I take a chance on him and the promises that thing’s will be different – could I get over the fact that he has seen other people? Or do I take a chance on someone who could make me happy, if only short term?
Read my next guest post for an account of how my first date went with this boy and how I finally got that 3am phonecall from my ex!
Louise from http://inspire-magazine-online.blogspot.com/!
(P.S I haven't really told many people about this, but you can read a true to account - if humourous - approach of the break up as it happened here http://life-according-to-lou.blogspot.com/)
Thanks for reading!
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