I'm a night owl.... |
That was it. One glorious month of nights where I wasn't woken up every few hours. I know not all babies are like this, and not all mums are as unlucky, but I have been. Yes, it could be partly my fault. I make no secret of the fact that Cameron sleeps with me, and not in his cot. Most of the time I stay over my mum's at the moment so I can get my dissertation finished anyway, so it seemed silly to enforce the cot on him when we aren't with it a lot of nights.
On top of this, he doesn't have a set routine (no routine, I hear you gasp?!) I know, worst motherhood crime ever, right? Wrong. Cameron sleeps when he needs to. Of course if he is still up and crawling around at ten pm I will try and get him to sleep, but it makes a lot more sense to let him play quietly rather than wrestling him to sleep when he clearly isn't ready. When he is a little older and can understand the concept of sleep and bedtime properly, things will change, but for now, we are doing what works for us.
This does, however, pose a problem for me. Along with not sleeping through, and often having a late bedtime, Cameron seems capable of going without barely any sleep at night and will be up and ready to go at around 6 or 7am each morning. This would be ok... if it weren't for the fact that I go to sleep, on average, at around 2am. Meaning that for the last 6 months I have been living on 5 hours sleep a night.
Even if I hadn't of been doing my dissertation/uni assignments/revision up until this time at night, I would still find it hard to settle down and sleep before midnight. The truth is, I am a night owl... and being a night owl with a baby does not mix, trust me.
Simpler times.... back when I could sleep when I wanted (I was a few weeks pregnant but didn't know!) |
Ahhhhhhhh the sleep. Those people without babies are so lucky to be able to sleep when they want!