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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Guest Blogger Louise Talks us Through her First Pregnancy

After 3 years with Rob, we both decided that we would like to have a baby. Some people might say are you mad? No. At 19 and 18 you want to be parents? Yes we do.

Before I was pregnant with Rob
After a couple of months of trying, my period was 4 weeks late. I did a pregnancy test, and it was negative. A week later still no period, so I decided to go the local family planning clinic. At the clinic they did a pregnancy test, and I was positive, I was 5 weeks pregnant, and due on the 28/3/2008.

I was happy, shocked, scared, all these emotions at once. They wrote a letter for me to take to the doctors. Outside the clinic, I showed Rob the letter, he was over the moon. Both off our parents were very shocked, when we told them the news. But they were both very supportive.

At 6 weeks pregnant, the morning sickness kicked in. But I wasn’t just sick in the morning. I was being sick morning, noon and night. I was in bed for hours and I was feeling like death. I went to the doctors, when they said, its nothing to worry about, as long as you are drinking. Well, it started to get really bad, and ended up in hospital on a drip, because I was so dehydrated. A week later, I was back up the hospital and on a drip again. This time they decided to give me some anti-sickness tablets, and they worked a treat. I was finally able to enjoy pregnancy.

We had our 12 week scan, and all was good. I was on count down to our 20 week scan. I could not wait. We had our scan, and the sonographer, was having a real trouble trying to find the sex. She told me to go for a walk, and jump up and down for a little while. After 15 minutes, of walking and jumping, she called us back in. She was finally able to see the baby bits; we were having a baby boy. We were both over the moon. I was very lucky, because at 6 months, I was barely showing. Going baby shopping people would say, are you buying for a sister or a friend??? Err no, I’m 6 months pregnant.

Our little family!

6 months pregnant!

But the time I was 8 months pregnant, I felt like a whale. It doesn’t help when you go into the local Sainsbury’s, and a lady says to her boyfriend, "Look at the size of her!" I have never heard my mum shout so much at this woman. The next month, I was up the hospital a couple of time, once because I thought my waters were breaking slowly, but they weren’t, and the other time, was because our baby wasn’t moving as much. All was fine; he was just getting rather squashed.

My due date came and went, and nothing happened. But the night of 31/3/2008, I was having twinges. I rang the hospital, and got told I have to wait till the contractions are stronger. 1/4/2008, I had enough; I went up to the hospital. I was only 2 cm dilated, and got sent back home. I was rather lucky because my midwife was coming around at 1:00 pm, I was so happy to see her. She checked me, and I was 7cm dilated and I had lost my mucus plug, she was like call for an ambulance, and get back up the hospital.

Up the hospital, I was high as a kite on gas and air. Still my waters have not broken, so they had to break them for me. It is the most horrible feeling in the world, it’s like you just wee the entire bed, and can not control it.

At 10:00 pm, my mum and dad came up to the hospital, with Uncle Sams for Rob. He was starving, but so was I. Still on the gas and air, my mum asked the midwife how long she thinks till the baby is here? The midwife said, she has a little while yet. So at 11:30, my parents decided to go home.

I was in a lot of pain, because the baby was back-to-back. Finally, I was able to start pushing. I pushed with my entire mite. The midwife was just about to put some gloves on, when I pushed so hard, that our baby boy was finally born. He was gorgeous, he was beautiful, and he was HUGE. He was 8lbs and 12 ounces, and born at 12:33 on the 2/4/2008. I decided on Shawn, but Rob changed the spelling to Shaun.

The day Shaun was born

I had some stitches, and was in hospital for a couple of days, because they were thinking that I might need a blood transfusion. Luckily I didn’t need one and was able to come home on the 4/4/08.

Shaun 10 days old

Shaun snoozing

I was so happy to get home, and have a decent night sleep, without every other baby waking me up. It’s been 3 years, since having Shaun, but it still feels like just yesterday he was born. Time has just flown by, and you need to remember all the good times, you have with your baby. Because, they will not stay babies forever, they will grow up and start to shout, and scream at you, when you tell them off.

You can tell he's my son

Louise xxx


  1. Loved reading this so much :)
    Louise is such a brilliant mummy and I hope she is going to do some more guest blogs as they are FAB!!


  2. She is definitely welcome to guest blog anytime, loved reading her pregnancy and birth story :) and I agree, a wonderful mummy xxxx

  3. Loved reading this, Louise has been offering me loads of advice recently :)

    Great post xo

  4. Louise Medlock13 July 2011 at 07:23

    Thanks everyone, It was fun reliving my pregnancy

  5. Was good to read this :) I find peoples pregnancy and birth stories really interesting now I've gone/going through it myself!
    And he does look just like you =) xxx


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