Take a Look

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Project 365 #69, #70 and #71 Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!

Ok, this time I am totally blaming the amazing weather we have been having for my lack of blogging! I have been outside most of the time and when I have come back in I have been knackered from the heat etc and have just wanted to lie down and chill out! This is what I have been getting up to in the sun in the last few days:


I bought myself a new book. Having read a lot of Sophie Kinsella lately, I was looking for another book by her but ended up stumbling across this one by Paige Toon. I have heard some good things about this author so will see how it goes.


I met up with my best friend whose baby was due (but she doesn't want the baby to come for a week as her boyfriend is out of the country!). She is looking gorgeous for someone so heavily pregnant, I am very jealous! We had ice creams and chilled out on the beach along with her mum, Cameron and her sausage dog Winnie. In the afternoon I took Cameron into town and we had a nice long walk around the shops. I got him lots of new clothes for our holiday next week as he is severely lacking shorts and t-shirts (I will do another post on what I bought later on).


Today Cameron is with his dad so I am having some chilling out time, getting some errands done and catching up on a bit of blogging before either meeting up with my friend again or returning some things to the shops. It is so hot and sunny, I don't like being cooped up inside.... So far I have managed to eat a tower of nachos out of boredom.... not good!

Monday 26 March 2012

Project 365 #61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68!! My Lost Week

Yet again I have been feeling too poorly to keep up to date with my blog but I am hoping to be back for good now as I am starting to feel much better. Here is what I have been up to over the last week:

#61 Sunday:

Mother's Day was spent going for a meal with my family and boyfriend to a nice hotel. We had a three course meal and there was a raffle at the end where I won a prize which was fun.

My first course: soup

#62 Monday:

I was not feeling at all well on Monday so it was yet another lazy day in for me and Cameron. We did get lots of cuddles in front of the TV and I managed to get the food shop done as well, so we got a bit of fresh air at least.

#63 Tuesday:

My boyfriend took a day off work today and we decided, after another lazy morning in front of the TV, to take Cameron to the play centre. Cameron really didn't like it, again, to begin with, but once he had got used to his surroundings he had a good time playing with my boyfriend whilst I had a rest and read some of my book.

Cameron, knackered after his play, fell asleep eating his raisins

#64 Wednesday:

As I have been feeling poorly, I have been favouring the comfort food a lot and lunch has mostly consisted of Tomato soup and bread, mmmm.

#65 Thursday:

I attempted a second lasagne and was really happy with how this one came out. It was so yummy!

#66 Friday:

I was feeling really unwell again today so I was grateful that my boyfriend finished work early and took me and Cameron out to the park in the afternoon as it was so warm and sunny. We had Subway for lunch and then Cameron played in the play park before attempting to drive us home... haha

#67 Saturday:

We went to stay at my boyfriend's parents' house in Chichester for the weekend. I had bought the Now Running CD on Amazon a couple of days before and it came in time for the car journey up there. I have no intention of using the music for running, but it has some great tracks on it. We had some lunch and went for a walk into the local town. In the afternoon I had a sleep as I was knackered and feeling unwell again and then in the evening we had a yummy roast dinner before watching new reality TV show The Voice and Take Me Out before an early night.

#68 Sunday:

We had a lovely lazy morning before some lunch and driving back home. We met up with my family at my nan's gorgeous new seafront flat in the afternoon and we got some fish and chips to eat on her balcony. It was such a hot and sunny afternoon! My cousin had some pick and mix and made me want some too so I got a cup and me and my boyfriend ate them in the evening whilst watching Due Date.

Sunday 18 March 2012

App of the Week: Draw Something

If you have an iPhone you may have heard about the latest craze in the app world. Draw Something is an addictive guessing game much the same as Pictionary where you can play with friends or with strangers to guess each others drawings in order to earn coins, which in turn can unlock more colours to draw with.

I heard about the app a few days ago and instantly got hooked. I have quite a few games ongoing. The best part is that you can carry on your day and just go onto it to take your turn when you are free.

The app is available for free, although I decided to pay 69p for the upgrade as it also gave me 400 bonus coins which allowed me to get two sets of colours. It also means I don't have to click through ads when I play, although it is possible to play with the free app.

You don't have to be an amazing artist to play the game, stick men are welcome and it is usually better to be creative with your pictures rather than trying to be completely accurate. I am extremely competitive and have managed to reach 45 on one game so far.

I would definitely recommend this game to anyone as it is a great way to pass the time. A word of warning though, it does get addictive fast!

Happy Mothers Day!

I have always loved celebrating Mothers Day as my mum is so important to me and I am so very grateful for everything she does for me and for Cameron. Since being pregnant and having Cameron I have also been lucky enough to be able to celebrate it myself as well.

My presents from 'Cameron'

Today me and my family are going out for lunch which will be lovely. I hope all you fellow mummies and mummies to be have a lovely day today!

Film Review: Timer

One of the latest films I got through LoveFilm was one called Timer. I hadn't heard of it before seeing it on the database, and it was a straight to DVD film which made me a little wary. However, it sounded like a fun and unique concept for a plot so I decided to get it and give it a go. I watched it Friday afternoon with my mum and brother and it was pretty good.

The film is based around a device which allows you to see a countdown to the day you meet your soulmate or 'one'. The device is called a Timer and works much the same way as a TV package where you pay a one -off installation fee and then a monthly charge. The lead character is a woman nearing thirty who has a blank Timer, which means that her soulmate has yet to have their Timer installed yet. She has been desperately trying to find men without Timers to date and then persuade to have a Timer installed to see if they are her 'one'.

Without giving too much away, she ends up falling for someone but their different opinions about Timers causes problems between them. There is also a sub-story following her stepsister who has a Timer which has a huge countdown time, and her brother who has his Timer installed when he turns fourteen and finds his 'one' straight away.

I am in no way saying this film is Oscar worthy. I can see why it didn't make it into the cinemas even. It is not going to be for everyone. However, for someone like me who is interested in gadgets and what the future might bring, I found it really fun to watch. My brother is seventeen and definitely not one to watch rom coms, but this film has a slightly indie edge to it and I think he liked that. Having said this, it is probably one to watch with the girls and a bottle of wine rather than a boyfriend.

Have you seen this film? Would you watch it based on what I've told you? Have you seen any good films lately that you would recommend for me to put on my LoveFilm list?

Saturday 17 March 2012

Retail Therapy Haul

As you know, I have been quite ill over the last week and unable to really do anything or go anywhere. So when I was feeling a bit better yesterday I decided to treat myself and Cameron and I went on what turned out to be quite a big spending spree. I may not like it all when I try it on, or have an attack of guilt and return some of it but this is what I bought:

For Cameron:

Bear Backpack
Grey Cardigan
Blue V Neck T Shirt

For Me:

From H&M:

Black Logo T-Shirt
Black cut out long sleeved top
Black and cream polka dot nightdress
Pink long lounge top
Black leggings

From New Look:

Blue cardigan
Cream Wrap Cardigan
White Logo T-Shirt
Blue Jeans

Little Extras:

Lipgloss (H&M)
Remember Me Book (Waterstones)

I also bought some more presents for my mum for Mother's Day tomorrow which I hope she will like (I won't say what in case she reads this!)

Apologies and Project 365 #58, 59, 60 Poorly Blogger

First of all, I feel like a terrible blogger for not posting in so long but I have a good excuse, promise...

Since the weekend I have been feeling unwell and this got about a million times worse by Wednesday. I phoned NHS direct who told me to get another doctors appointment. The doctor thought I might have a UTI and I had a high temperature so I was sent home to come back in the next morning. My boyfriend bought me a bunch of flowers and a teddy bear to cheer me up.

My lovely flowers and the slightly freaky purple monkey from my boyfriend

That night I was attempting to cook dinner when the pain got a lot worse and I ended up doubled over in pain unable to walk. My boyfriend took me to A and E as I was crying in pain. We ended up being there for five hours which was not fun.. The doctor gave me antibiotics for the infection and paracetemol for the pain and I was booked in to the hospital for Friday morning to have a check up.

Thursday was spent trying to cope with an eighteen month old wanting to play when I was unable to move from the amount of pain I was in, not fun! I felt so bad as well as Cameron deserves to play and have fun but I couldn't actually do anything with him. It was agony. I attempted to distract him with cbeebies and I also found out that I could watch YouTube videos on our TiVo box which amused him when he saw me on the TV (it was a novelty to me to if I'm honest haha).

Me on Tv!

By Friday morning I was feeling a little better but still not great. The hospital appointment took ages but they think that the antibiotics should help me. I managed to go shopping in the afternoon and spent way too much making myself feel better (I will do a haul post soon to show you what I got).

Last night I was in a lot of pain again and my temperature was high. My boyfriend ordered Pizza Hut and went out to get me cheesecake and even put on Bridget Jones for us to watch to make me feel better but I ended up falling asleep in front of the TV, I was shattered.

Pizza Hut therapy... half and half of ham and pineapple and pepperoni

Hoping the drugs start working properly and I feel much better this weekend.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Project 365 #57 sleepy child

As I've been feeling unwell I've had a lazy day today and didn't get out of my pjs this morning. Luckily for me, Cameron was ready for his nap this afternoon and has allowed me to have a lie down on the sofa and catch up with some blogging.

Project 365 #56 Best Boyfriend

I have had a hard few days as I have been feeling quite unwell. My boyfriend has been amazing. He even watched love actually with me and last night he ran me a bubble bath and made sure I properly relaxed for once. He's amazing!

Sunday 11 March 2012

Cosmetics Kitten 300 Follower Giveaway!

Hurry and enter The Cosmetics Kitten 300 follower giveaway now for your chance to win some great beauty products!

The Blog is written by a great, extremely friendly girl called Lauren and I guarantee that if you haven't read her blog already that you will love it so go check it out!

OOTW- Sunny Afternoon

This weekend has apparently been really nice weather.... where I live in Bournemouth.... Only problem is, I have been in Essex and it has been grey, cloudy and freezing cold most of the time. Luckily I had a good time regardless, but when we got home today I was happy to find the sun still shining. I was dressed for the occassion in my trusty skinny jeans, new t-shirt and new cardigan which make me feel very summery.

Skinny Jeans- New Look
T-shirt- New Look
Cardigan- New Look
(yes, I do love New Look for Spring clothes!)

What do you think? Did you have nice weather where you are this weekend?

Project 365 #52 and #53, 54, 55 Essex, Baby!

Ooops, I have been a very bad blogger and haven't written a post in a few days! On Thursday I had a much needed shopping trip after a stressful few days. I bought lots of new things for Cameron to wear from George at Asda and I got myself a new top from H&M and some new shoes from New Look. I also bought a photoframe from Sainsbury's as it was reduced by 70%! I had a relaxed night in with my mum that night, watching Life as We Know It, which I thought was ok but nothing special really.

After our shopping trip, totally worn out but happy (can't remember why I didn't upload any photos of my purchases!)

Friday was spent packing and then travelling up to Essex with Cameron and my boyfriend, who was meeting my dad and little sister for the first time. Luckily everyone got on well and that night we went out to an Indian Restaurant and I had a yummy Jalfrezi. I decided to try the lamb for a change and it was very nice. Cameron was really well behaved, even though he was up past his bedtime, and had a whole table full of old people cooing over him as he waved bye bye to them, too sweet! When we got home we watched Paul before going to bed, knackered!

Cameron decided to wear his sunglasses for the Indian meal..... strange child!

Saturday we were up early and went out to a nearby cafe for breakfast. I had a cooked breakfast which was really nice, and Cameron had some beans and scrambled eggs which he managed to get EVERYWHERE!

After breakfast we decided to go down to the nearby canal and we had a nice walk along there looking at all the barges. Cameron wore himself out running along and trying to break into all the barges!

In the afternoon we went to a play park for Cameron, though me, my sister and my boyfriend all went on the swings as well haha. We went food shopping and got some things for dinner and then picked up some lunch. Everyone was exhausted after eating so we all crashed out watching tv.

In the evening my dad cooked steak and chips for him and my boyfriend, and me and my sister had a lovely chicken in tomato and mozzarella sauce with new potatoes and veg. Cameron had his favourite, spaghetti bolognese. We watched Take Me Out and then Shallow Hal. It was a lovely chilled out evening.

Today was another early start (aren't all mornings when you have an 18 month old toddler?!) and my dad cooked us some yummy sausage and bacon rolls.

My boyfriend and Cameron helped out my dad with some gardening before it was time for us to go back home. I even got to have a nap in the car as my boyfriend drove, bonus! The rest of today was really lazy as I had Sunday lunch before washing my hair and just getting into my PJs at 2pm! I am looking forward to Desperate Housewives and chocolate later with my mum.

Great weekend! Hope everyone else had a good one too!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Project 365 #51 Fajita Chicken!

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love fajitas. Tonight I decided to use the spices used in fajitas to make a spicy chicken meal.

To make this you will need:

3 chicken breasts
Fajita spice packet
Cooking bag and tie (think the so juicy ones but just the bag and tie)
Chips/potatoes to make your own chips
Salad to serve

Simply put the chicken in a bowl and add the spices. Mix together using your hands, ensuring all the chicken is covered in spices.

Place in the bag, tie the bag at the top and make 6 small holes at the top of the bag. Place in a roasting tin and put in a preheated oven at 200C gas Mark 6 for 40 minutes.

After 20 minutes add the chips (I used the remaining spices to lightly season the chips prior to putting them into the oven)

Ensure chicken is cooked through and serve with salad

So yummy!

Kony 2012

I don't know if you would have heard of the Kony 2012 movement that is currently becoming the biggest trend on both Twitter and Facebook, but if you haven't here is what it is all about:

-A guy called Joseph Kony has been mindlesssly abducting young children and then forcing them to become part of his child army where the boys are made to kill and the girls become sex slaves.

-There are people who have been campaigning for many years now to find Kony and stop the abduction of children that they refer to as invisable. They want to make these children visible to the world.

-Their aim for 2012 is to make Kony as famous as celebrities, make him a household name across the globe and help continue to raise funds to help find him.

This is all explained in further detail in the 30 minute film:

You can follow the dicussions about Kony 2012 on Twitter by using hashtags with the words Kony2012

Vlog Sidebar

As you may have noticed, I have just added a new feature to my sidebar which allows you to view Vlogs on my YouTube channel without even leaving my page, now you have no excuse not to watch what I have to say, heehee...

Vlog Challenge!

I was looking online for ideas for Vlogs and came across a challenge which I have adjusted slightly as I didn't like some of the questions.

I think it will help me Vlog a little more often, and give me topics to dicuss in them. If you do the challenge please leave your links below as I would love to see your answers as well!

1. Your name, blog title and why you chose to call your blog that
2. What is in your handbag?
3. Tour of your bedroom
4. Say five things that begin with the first letter of your name
5. Go to your wardrobe and pick out 5 things you like best
6. Give 10 random facts about yourself.
7. Give your opinion on three topics of your choice
8. Dreams & Ambitions
9. Make a video with a friend
10. Make a video with a family member
11. Tell us three things you like about yourself and three things you don’t
12. Tell us about your favourite band/artist
13. What are your birthday plans/what did you do for your last birthday?
14. Favourite drink, food, number, colour ?
15. Favourite Blogs and why?

To keep track of all my vlogs, please subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Project 365 #50 Compton Acres

Today I had to go into Poole as my laptop battery decided to die on me and I had to go get a replacement. I was going to go to the beach afterwards as it was such a lovely sunny warm day, but then I saw Compton Acres, a local gardens attraction.

I decided to take Cameron as he loves nature. It cost £6.95 for me and Cameron was free, which isn't too bad. Cameron wanted to walk around and totally wore himself out. He loved being outside and seeing all the pretty gardens.

I am so pleased I took him. I also bought my mum an early mother's day present whilst I was there, a beautiful plant which is what she wanted and she loved it. A good day all in all.